Podcasting is an absolutely great tool for everyone. It is the most interesting Web 2.0 application I have learned about so far. It allows people to become independent producers and distributors of any audio or video content (Jonassen, 2008, pp. 160). Many people may find this beneficial for work, education, or entertaining. Because podcasting is available through Internet by a subscription for language and podcast or vodcast feeds Web sites as Jonassen explains, it allows people to view or listen to it at their convenience. Podcasting may be utilized in a classroom specially if there are students who are struggling with writing skills because it gives them the opportunity to use their other skills, such as public speaking and leadership. Podcasting also works for group projects at the end of the school year.
Apart from being an additional technology tool for communication, podcasting is different as it interests people the most for personal entertainment. It is of great advantage to be able to watch your favorite shows when time allows. It gives anyone the availability to prioritize for important tasks and view or listen to the less important ones later. While blogging may offer a link to a personal podcasting, blogging remains a place where thoughts are to be expressed and strengthen. Also, podcasting can be a group project assignment in which students may be engrossed just by the activity itself. As far as social bookmarking and Voice Thread, podcasting is definitely more interactive because it implies the users to not only be listeners and viewers or participants but also become producers and this requires time, critical thinking, management and sometimes money.
Although I was very excited when I first bought my iPod, I used it to listen to my favorite songs for one year only. I never thought I could use it to listen to a professor’s lecture which I find to be useful as well. Because there is very little time and too much information to learn, I would suggest to my Spanish students to use it to review for word spelling specially if there is a long spelling quiz. Of course online communication tools are great for work, business, education, or socialization; it brings disadvantages as it may disconnect people from reality. Depending on technology may be an addiction as it is not about the time users spend but how they spend the time (Rosen, 2010). Students, parents, educators, or anyone with access to technology may be unconscious of how they are withdrawing from family, friends, or work which could add stress and disappointment.
Jonassen, D. (2008). Meaningful learning with technology (pp. 160). Upper Saddle, New Jersey: Pearson.
Rosen, L. (2010). Taking a (virtual) break:can you survive without your technology? i doubt it!. Psychology Today, Retrieved from http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/rewired-the-psychology-technology/201010/taking-virtual-break-can-you-survive-without-your-tech