Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Visualizing With Technologies

Once again we start planning for the holidays…or is it shopping? With very little time and so many things to do, most of us opt to shop online, and it is based on the pictures we view that we make the decision to buy something or not. Seldom we think of the effect one particular picture has and rarely we reflect on the importance visualization through technology has in education. Visualization tools enhance students’ learning ability in certain subjects .

Technological tools aid students and any type of learner to visualize concepts by interpreting them more easily (Jonassen, 2008, p. 192).  According to Kate Kemker, digital stroytelling is a tool that allows students to be creative by making a storyboard on paper and shooting a video that can be edited on a computer.  The students engage in research and writing as they perform the preproduction.  Storytelling would be useful in subjects for languages other than English.  For example, this would be a great activity when I teach Spanish because their skills will be mastered after performing digital storytelling.  One of the most complex subjects for students is math, and special software programs have been developed to assist in visualizing complex process. A math class requires the use of graphing calculators and MathLab sites.  Jonassen explains that students who use a graphing calculator are more engaged at problem solving.  More and more schools in the United States encourage the use of such tools in order to achieve the learning goals. However, it is not the case in other countries as research has discovered that technology remains marginal in math subjects (Goos & Bennison, 2008).

As for foreign languages, the use of  a TV is also great for learning.  There are a few local Spanish channels that people can watch if they are interested in learning the language.  Although there are no instructions to learning the language in the Spanish channels, it could work for listening comprehension and pronunciation.  I particularly find storytelling and TV great tools as I intend to teach Spanish. Not only visualizing tools help students achieve their learning goals but also help any viewer engage in a higher learning experience. Math and science are better comprehended when visualizing tools are involved which could motivate students to learn.  

Goos, M., & Bennison, A. (2008). Surveying the technology landscape: teachers' use of technology in secondary mathematics classroom. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 20(3), Retrieved from
Jonassen, D. (2008). Meaningful learning with technology (pp. 192). Upper Saddle, New Jersey: Pearson.


  1. Great job. I really like how you have incorporated online shopping into your blog. I love shopping online, but I need to have a nice detailed picture in order to feel comfortable purchasing an item. That is definately a use of "Visualizing with Technology.

  2. I agree with you quite a bit. Students who have trouble learning English or Spanish can learn a great deal just from watching TV. It gives them a chance to hear the words in a sentence and see the actions of people when using the words.

    I do not online shop much during the holidays but being able to see a good picture of the product that you are wanting to buy is extremely important though because you don't buy a product that doesn't match up to what it is described as.

  3. I love how you used online shopping as an example of visualiztion through technology. I have never thought of it that way. Being able to visualize something does have more of an impact though. Even with the lessons in this class, I have found sample projects more helpful than the written instructions. Seeing a finished example made it easier for me to follow along.

  4. You are right indeed! I used to watch the spanish channel hours a day to just pick up on somethings. Even though I am not directly speaking it, I have learned some words and I can read spanish better than I can receive someone speaking to me. But watching those channels did help me kinda get some words down. The news is awesome to watch in spanish!

  5. That is very true about online shopping, I often don't click to buy unless I see it. Students love using this kind of stuff to play with and be creative. The same way we shop, if we don't see it, it doesn't exit (out of sight, out of mind) students may not think about a certain aspect of a subject unless it is presented in a way technology allows. More ways of teaching a subject means more ways of applying it. Good Blog!!

  6. I very much enjoy to read what you have posted. Your advice and opinions are greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading my blogs!
